Company News/NEWS
New Product Release:Artificial Main Network LISN ML300HVS
Author:  Date:2025-01-08  Browse :80times  Source:
The LISN ML 300HVS artificial power network is used to isolate power interference and provide the specified power impedance for the tested equipment (EUT) in the power conduction emission testing of GJB 151B and MIL-STD-461 standards. Its impedance characteristics fully meet the standard requirements. The maximum voltage of EUT port is DC 1000V,AC 270V 50Hz/60Hz,135V 400Hz,the maximum current is 300A. The EMI measurement port adopts a standard N-type interface.

> Meets GJB 151B and MIL-STD-461 standards;
> The test current can reach 300 A;
> The EMI port adopts a standard N-type interface.

For more information, please click:Artificial Main Network LISN ML300HVS
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