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New Product Release: Electric vehicle high voltage performance test system
Author:  Date:2024-06-26  Browse :185times  Source:
       The high voltage piezoelectric performance test system for electric vehicles is suitable for the high voltage parts test of new energy vehicles in the voltage class DC 60 V ~ 1500 V. HV battery systems, DC/DC converter HV/LV, On-board chargers and Air conditioning compressors can be verified through a series of electrical characteristic tests Electrical parameters and safety of high voltage components such as conditioning compressor. From EVTS 150 c30 electric performance of high voltage measuring support DC 0 V to 1500 V voltage output, voltage slope control more than 250 V/ms, to complete the ISO 21498-2-2021 test project, At the same time, it can meet the relevant test requirements of LV 123 and VW 80300_2021, and the system has strong scalability.

>Voltage slope control greater than 250 V/ms;
>Meet the latest ISO 21498-2:21st, VW 80300:2021-02 standard test projects;
>Simulate the complex electrical environment of high voltage components of new energy vehicles in the actual scene;
>Test the scheduling function;
>Support DC 0 V ~ 1500 V voltage output, can be arbitrarily edited waveform output, two-way power supply;

>The system has strong scalability, and the power supply can be extended to 1 main N slave, so that the output current can achieve 60 A, 120 A, 240 A... 

For more information, please click : Electric vehicle high voltage performance test system 

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